Platte Lake Property Owners Association
Our Works in Progress
Platte Lake has a long term ongoing commitment to maintaining water quality. The association has been working for years with the MN DNR and professional commercial companies in treating our lake for curly leaf pond weed eradication, and have been successful in reducing this growth. We are concerned about invasive species, preventing their population in our lake as long as possible, and maintaining our native species of plants and fish.
Water Quality
The Association has been providing professional, long term water quality treatments to our lake, to control the Curly Leaf Pondweed. We are also proactive in preventing infestations of aquatic invasive species. We have water samplers free of charge to Platte Lakers who wish to participate in this project. Water Sampling, mussel sampling is quick, and an easy interactive way for children to participate.
Platte Lake has gambling sites that people can play and support. Our gambling sites help support our lake treatments, and we also donate generous proceeds back into our community. Support our Gambling Sites!
Aerator Crew Buoy Brigade
Platte Lake has volunteers that monitor the oxygen quality of the lake through out the winter. These people communicate to the tboard theirfindings, and them it is determined if the aeration team is deployed. Aeration assists the lake in maintainting asufficien level of oxygen to prevent fish kill​.
The Buoy Brigade assists in placing and removing the buoys near the channel and throughout protected areas of the lake.